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Duration: 11:50 minutes Upload Time: 2007-09-22 09:16:08 User: Duowei :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: 焦点访谈 |
Thursday, October 25, 2007
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Duration: 04:53 minutes Upload Time: 2007-09-06 17:49:59 User: ugleehduckling :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
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Bb0yAlchemist ::: Favorites fucken sick. i see myself everywhere 07-09-06 23:38:18 __________________________________________________ |
" Il " Sospetto by Matteo Pizzarello
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Duration: 03:42 minutes Upload Time: 2007-09-23 15:01:58 User: MatteoPizzarello :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Short Film Italian Tokio Film Festival 2005 |
The John Cena tribute is finally here!
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Duration: 00:44 minutes Upload Time: 2007-09-19 17:18:40 User: AttitudeKings0508 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Its here people! It's here! Just in case someone has the sick idea that this is a real tribute....its not! |
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CalDodd ::: Favorites Call it a 6th sense or something but I have a feeling that this aint really a Cena tribute. How can 54 sec be a tribute to him, even hours wouldn't do him justice. 07-10-06 12:33:33 __________________________________________________ | |
ErikakaSupermario ::: Favorites you know? Since Cena is like superman...and with what you said about Stone cold? Since The rock most likely isn't coming back..you know what's Cena's Kryptonite? BEER 07-10-04 12:07:42 __________________________________________________ | |
ErikakaSupermario ::: Favorites off making movies...but hey..you can lay the smackdown on Cena as The rock (The real Rock..not the jabroni with the sideburns) in Smackdown vs Raw 2007! Silly Rabbit..the people's champ is The rock 07-10-04 12:06:13 __________________________________________________ | |
ErikakaSupermario ::: Favorites heel or not...he sucks..he was good as a mid carter when all the little kids and fat girls didn't like him and ruined the business for the real wrestling fans. Cena sucks REGARDLESS...heel or not... 07-10-04 12:05:24 __________________________________________________ | |
JoeySalem ::: Favorites When the HELL will the WWE realize that he needs to lose the title and become a heel? 07-09-30 21:40:49 __________________________________________________ | |
Undoo2k ::: Favorites haha ..stupid jabroni:)) where is The Rock to lay the smackethdown on his white gangsta candy ass :((? 07-09-28 10:40:21 __________________________________________________ | |
bigmikef5 ::: Favorites Funny As Hell!!! I have nothing againts cena, but he'll never be as could cause his character is a modernized version of the rock(with the jokes, and comedy) and austin(the whole ground, and pound thing) with rap mixed in. 07-09-27 18:53:52 __________________________________________________ | |
Raf2534 ::: Favorites Cena is one of the worst wrestlers I have seen. He has like five moves and thats it. 07-09-25 15:20:48 __________________________________________________ | |
SD70MAC ::: Favorites John cena pass away or no more wrestle ? 07-09-25 08:51:17 __________________________________________________ | |
KonTr4b4nd ::: Favorites Austin was unbeatable cause he was kickass... you put a can of beer in the guys hand put him in an alley with a bunch of black dudes n you pretty much know Austins guna whip their ass, bring them back from the dead and do it all over again cause he forgot to stomp a mudhole in them... Cena Overcomes everything in what to be fair, completely baffles me. 07-09-23 10:41:21 __________________________________________________ |
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Duration: 37:27 minutes Upload Time: 2007-09-20 18:37:17 User: Duowei :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: 多维社记者吕贤修报导∕中国乒乓球名人庄则栋及夫人佐佐木敦子,19日下午造访纽约,晚间并于法拉盛国际乒乓球中心举行演说。他生动风趣地回顾了1971年名古屋第31届世界乒乓球锦标赛,他主动向误上中国队巴士的美国选手科恩打招呼,幷赠送礼物。在中美关系尚未恢复的年代,这样的举动很快成为世界瞩目的焦点。最终毛主席拍板,中国邀请美国乒乓球队访华,中美两国领导人互通了信息,为之后的交往、建交准备了条件。 活动中,庄则栋除向现场近百球迷示范他最著名的短挥拍、正反拍两面攻,也亲自指导多位球友、儿童挥拍、击球诀窍。 在接受多维专访时,他表示,此行访美,在纽约之后,他还前往洛杉矶,到04年过世的科恩墓前致意。他与科恩,当时在巴士上短短5分钟的接触后,再也没机会见面。为了纪念这位"老朋友",他特别写了一篇短文,准备在科恩墓前读给他听。文中他称科恩为平凡而伟大的运动员,虽然一辈子没打出特别的成绩,但两人一块用小球转动了地球。 2000年,庄则栋以60岁之龄退休。目前在北京、山西、太原、山东,各有一所以他命名的乒乓球俱乐部,除了传授球技,他多数时间用于四处演说、参与公益活动。对于未来,他认为,一个人活着,还是要给社会多做些奉献,只有利人才是德。 |
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yinghonghaohan319 ::: Favorites 好功夫! 07-09-20 23:59:58 __________________________________________________ |
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Duration: 15:43 minutes Upload Time: 2007-09-07 04:37:22 User: Duowei :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: 中国新闻 |
Typical Arsenal
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Duration: 00:10 minutes Upload Time: 2007-09-16 09:56:38 User: sexysarahlover93 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Fantastic play by the arsenal team in 01-02 going 2-0 up against bayer leverkusen |
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Duration: 11:29 minutes Upload Time: 2007-09-11 21:40:46 User: Duowei :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: 主料:鸡翅 辅料:卤水料、姜、葱、蒜、香菜、洋葱 调料:盐、白糖、味精、冰糖、生抽 烹制方法: 1、将卤水料用纱布包好,用水煮一下,再放入清水中浸泡片刻备用; 2、坐锅点火倒油,下姜块、葱段、蒜、香菜煸香,放入洋葱炒至焦黄后加入白糖、米酒、生抽、适量水,放入卤料包,烧开后加盐、冰糖熬2个小时,最后放入鸡翅煮8分钟即可。 卤料:(花椒、八角、草果、桂皮、陈皮、香叶、红曲米、小茴香、丁香、白芷) 特点:鲜咸适口,风味独特。 |
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Duration: 20:38 minutes Upload Time: 2007-09-14 03:14:07 User: Duowei :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: 电影《古刹钟声》:长春电影制片厂1958年摄制。编剧:刘宝德。导演:朱文顺、朱文悦。主要演员:庞学勤、田烈、李希达、陈克然。 |
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Duration: 09:43 minutes Upload Time: 2007-09-14 04:38:41 User: Duowei :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: 新华纵横--"馅饼"的诱惑 |
SM64 Star Times Competition - Can the Eel Come Out to Play?
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Duration: 00:42 minutes Upload Time: 2007-09-22 12:07:35 User: MrRobertZ :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: . |
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halovsmario ::: Favorites MLGSniper95 (a.k.a my brother), thinks u skipped scenes at 18 to 30 seconds cuz he saw some movement in the level like it was being skipped 07-09-22 22:21:01 __________________________________________________ | |
MrRobertZ ::: Favorites Erm, no, that's just the drawing of the textures by the video capture program. Try playing it yourself; you can see that nothing is skipped. 07-09-23 00:01:58 __________________________________________________ | |
halovsmario ::: Favorites tell that to MLGSniper95, he didnt know that 07-09-23 14:54:19 __________________________________________________ | |
magicboy10xx ::: Favorites Nice run! 5/5. What was that footage at the beginning though? 07-09-22 17:50:42 __________________________________________________ | |
TheDarkmanWs ::: Favorites Can You Record sound Now ? 07-09-22 14:48:44 __________________________________________________ | |
LinkTetraWW ::: Favorites Very nice. TAS quality run. 07-09-22 13:01:37 __________________________________________________ |
PBS NewsHour 20070918 Greenspan 1 1of2
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Duration: 09:19 minutes Upload Time: 2007-09-21 07:28:51 User: FrothySnowman :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Alan Greenspan is interviewed by Jim Lehrer on the his role in the housing bubble, the subprime mortgage meltdown, George W. Bush's tax cuts, and the role of the Fed and the Fed Chairman. Greenspan says unequivocally "We had a bubble in housing" (2:23). He explains his Fed policy of sharply lower interest rates by worldwide economic and social forces, but does not mention their reduction immediately following the burst of the dot-com bubble. Inconsistently, Greenspan says here that he and the Fed tried in 2004 to raise interest rates to put a clamp on the housing boom (4:21), yet in other recent interviews he says "I really didn't get it until very late in 2005 and 2006." [First of a two part interview, 1of2] |
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vipdreamjob ::: Favorites Apparently, the sheeple "BurtonReingold" just sucks up everything this babbling idiot has to say! I guess that is what they are "taught" to believe now in their "economics" class. Oh yippie. This is who will be running the new world order I guess. 07-10-12 02:41:47 __________________________________________________ | |
vipdreamjob ::: Favorites What are they teaching these 20 and 30 year olds in Universities these days? Oh my gosh!! To follow blindly the Federal Reserve?! What a joke! 07-10-12 02:38:57 __________________________________________________ | |
vipdreamjob ::: Favorites Gosh...you are such a sheeple baaaaaaaaaaaaaa baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. 07-10-12 02:36:50 __________________________________________________ | |
vipdreamjob ::: Favorites Hey bah bah bah....we're NOT sheep!!! WE DON'T NEED "SHEPERDING" dumb-ass greenspans interests are not towards the United States! His interests are in China/India/Phillipines and the SPP/NAU! The sooner he trashed our dollar, the FASTER he implements bushes NWO! FU 07-10-12 02:35:56 __________________________________________________ | |
BurtonReingold ::: Favorites Idiots! Do you know anything about the Feds job in sheperding the economy? Radical sheep, get an educatiuon on the topic before you bah bah bah! 07-10-12 01:10:20 __________________________________________________ | |
BurtonReingold ::: Favorites vipdreamjob moron. You do'nt know anything about the system. This happens over and over; they do'nt know what the hell is going on. They (the Fed) do the absolute best thing possible for the economy. Go ahead and say the opposite if you have aced your economics classes and manage a sucessfull portfollio. I would like to set you strait. 07-10-12 01:07:16 __________________________________________________ | |
vipdreamjob ::: Favorites You wanted to suppress American wages! You are a "GLOBALIST" who has invested your money and interests in other countries such as China/India/Filipines and now SPP Mexico and Canada...... We are on to you....unfortunately, you should have had a lobotomy years ago...before you destroyed our economy! 07-10-06 10:29:27 __________________________________________________ | |
vipdreamjob ::: Favorites Keep babbling greenspan....you're caught! You raised the rates 17 times in three years, during that same time high end jobs were be shipped over seas lowering America wages; and opening the borders allowing MILLIONS of ILLEGALS to suck up all the other jobs suppressing the American wages even further!!!! You're a dick head! 07-10-06 10:29:02 __________________________________________________ | |
fuzzywzhe ::: Favorites Who can stand to listen to this hypocritical lying two faced piece of shit? This asshole is claiming he didn't have any clue there would be a housing bubble because of interest rate cuts. Everybody else did. It was not only just all over the internet, but it was in investment news letters like Dines, Investech, and Harry Schultz. Greenspan is utterly dishonest. 07-10-04 16:43:30 __________________________________________________ | |
GinsingSullivan ::: Favorites Ron Paul 2008! 07-09-30 20:14:57 __________________________________________________ |
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Duration: 07:25 minutes Upload Time: 2007-09-23 06:23:06 User: Duowei :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: 财经新闻 |