Friday, October 12, 2007

Warcraft - What I've Done

Duration: 03:29 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-05-28 17:53:43
User: Exiger142
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Description: This is my first movie in Vegas, 3 clips are from random games, had no time to edit it. Linkin Park - What I've Done;7632385;/fileinfo.html


ieatcement ::: Favorites
nice video
07-08-09 16:52:51
Arkkienkeli ::: Favorites
07-08-08 06:09:20
Viruxez ::: Favorites
awesome clips of warcraft cinematics but it was wierd how you first took the clip when arthas kills his father and takes over lordaeron city and suddenly he's sitting in the frozen throne and has slain the lich king
07-07-18 18:49:34
Arkkienkeli ::: Favorites
'slain' the lich king? He became the lich king by uniting with Ner'Zhul..
07-08-08 06:09:45
Soccerguytube ::: Favorites
07-07-13 17:24:05
Illidan191919 ::: Favorites
man this is the best video. good choice with the music too
07-06-22 07:08:08
Ghis22 ::: Favorites
It was a good video Worth watching it 3/5
07-06-18 19:35:31
iRuneScape ::: Favorites
Awesome video, awesome song. 5 Stars. :)
07-06-10 01:45:09
supermetroid56 ::: Favorites
Awesome job man great editing and i love how u used cineams u get a 5 for quality and originality.
07-06-03 00:35:17
mimla1 ::: Favorites
07-05-30 13:33:48

London Can Take It!

Duration: 09:56 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-08-15 21:08:24
User: njpringle
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A great film narrated by Quintin Reynolds, an American living in the city during WW2 showing 24hrs during the London Blitz during WW2.


sharkbaitchris ::: Favorites
he is neutral because the yanks arnt in the war at this time derrr
07-10-11 03:17:39
Jay0592 ::: Favorites
What is the name of this film?
07-10-02 12:43:11
njpringle ::: Favorites
Hello, yes when I lived in London I lived in one of those very gaps in the terraced street, which had suffered a direct hit. The house I lived in was built in the gap in a 1950s style totally different to the rest of the street. Also, during the Blitz my Grandad was in a heavy Ack Ack gun unit on the South Coast trying to take down a few bombers before they managed to drop their presents! He saw night after night Portsmouth take a right pounding.
07-09-16 08:33:06
woodyqpr ::: Favorites
Inded, even now, you go around London and can clearly see where the bombs fell due to the placement of newer buildings. My dad was bombed out 3 times during the war and knew people killed.
07-09-15 17:01:30
WelshyM ::: Favorites
Living in South London - new buildings fit in with Victorian... If you think about it, the reason is because of what happened here... Lest we forget all.
07-08-05 17:06:35
Tuber30A ::: Favorites
I heard during one of these night raids the Queen Mum was reputed to have stood outside Buckingham Palace shaking her fists at the german planes as they flew over.Just a story I heard.
07-07-26 03:17:20
bobdot2000 ::: Favorites
My grandfather lived in London at the time of the Blitz - apparently the nearest bomb hit 100 yards from his house!
07-07-20 12:44:08
wintali ::: Favorites
Pip pip! Carry on London, and keep your chin up!
07-07-06 07:41:31
Francis1930 ::: Favorites
My goodness the memories this brings back to me. I was 9 when war was declared, during the blitz this video of one night was repeated for 43 nights consecutively, and I lived through every single one of them - what a blast from the past this film is - I hope none of you ever have to listen to that siren in anger again.
07-06-08 10:09:34
LucyStag ::: Favorites
That's a bit of propaganda, and I wouldn't call the narrator a "neutral reporter." But there's certainly more truth in it than there is in most propaganda...They were tough, and they didn't give in.
07-04-12 20:01:52


Duration: 07:07 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-01-25 21:43:37
User: haykiris99
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Bu filmde izleyeceğiniz tarihsel gerçekler göstermektedir ki, adalet, eşitlik gibi süslü sloganlarla ortaya çıkan komünizm, gerçekte insanlığa sadece kan ve ölüm getirmiştir. Marx, Engels, Lenin veya Stalin gibi komünist ideolog ve diktatörler, yaklaşık 50 milyon insanın ölümünden sorumludurlar. Komünizm, dünya için adeta bir "kan dökme kuyusu" olmuştur. Tüm bu vahşetin sorumluluğunu gizlice taşıyan bir diğer ideolog ise, Charles Darwin'dir. Yani Karl Marx'a göre "komünizmin doğa bilimleri açısından temelini" atan kişi... Komünistler, kanlı devrimler, acımasız katliamlar ve savaşlar düzenlerken, aslında Darwin'in teorisini hayata geçirmişlerdir. İnsanı bir hayvan türü olarak gören, çatışma ve savaşın vazgeçilmez bir kanun olduğuna inanan ve en önemlisi, insanı, (haşa) Yaratıcısı olan Allah'ı inkar etmeye sürükleyen bir teoridir bu... İnsanlığın komünizmden ve diğer tüm kan dökücü ideolojilerden kurtulması, ancak Darwinizm aldatmacasının yıkılmasıyla mümkün olacaktır. İnsanlar, Darwinizm'in ve materyalist felsefenin büyüsünden kurtulduklarında, kendi Yaratıcı'ları olan Allah'ı tanıyacak ve O'nun öğrettiği güzel ahlaka göre yaşayacaklardır


SDogan33 ::: Favorites
ORospu Cocugu Kayniyor Bu Youtube Lan Komünizm Tanrı Sistemini SiLmiştir Diyorsunuz Orospunun Picleri Kapitalizm Tanri Sistemini Silmemiş Midir O Zaman Türkiye Ne Zaman MüslümanLığı Secti O Zaman Göt Oldu işte BU Belgeselleri YAPan HARUN YAHYA nın anasının amıına koyim ne orospu cocugu bir adam Onun Amacı Komünizm Karamalak Değil Darwin'i Karalamak OROspu Cocugu yaa yaşasın KOMÜNİZM !!!
07-10-10 02:31:42
antika21 ::: Favorites
türkiyenin en büyük düşmanı komınızım dır görüldügü yerde başı ezilmelidir M.KEMAL ATATÜRK fakat bu gün ATATÜRK ÜN PARTİSİ CHP sosyalist enternasyonal üyesi komınızmı benimsemiş bu celişki ne ben anlamadım
07-10-08 06:07:13
3566102 ::: Favorites
komunizm bir yalan hem de kocaman.......
07-10-05 22:28:05
zerdu5t12 ::: Favorites
taksim meydanindaki heykeller kimin heykeli biliyor musun sen?
07-10-05 05:17:58
poetjohny ::: Favorites
ATAMIZIN "Türkiye'nin en büyük düşmanı komünizm dir nerede görülürse başı ezilmelidir" diye bir sözü var! biraz tarih oku arkadaşım! sosyal demokrat bir toplum olalım!
07-09-28 18:19:16
BABACAN35 ::: Favorites
kominizm hiç bir zaman var olmadı kıyamete kadarda var olamayacak. faşizm var oldu ama bizim ülkemizdeki olgu faşizm değildi. emperyalizm destekli kışkırtıcı hareketler olarak değerlendirilebilir. ülkemizdeki 68 olayları komizim tabanlı değil kemalist ve bağımsılık tabanlıydı. demirelin kışkırtmaları sonucu yol değiştirdi. Kominizm, Emperyalizm, Faşizm hepsi yanlıştır. mühim olan Tam Bağımsız Türkiye Cumhuriyeti. ve tek önder Atatürk.
07-09-16 15:07:22
ziplaorg ::: Favorites
sie ipneler sizi Yaşasın Sosyalizm
07-09-15 02:48:12
kurtulusol ::: Favorites
geberin kıskancınızdan. Komünizm dünyanın görüp görebildiği en insancıl düzendir. Ve tüm ülkeler bu düzene kavuşmadıkça ortada bir komünizm sözkonusu olamaz.Hedeflenen sosyalist iktidarlardır.
07-09-07 08:58:26
abrakadabra1717 ::: Favorites
inanın bana komünizm şiddete başvurmasaydı en azından saygı duyulurdu
07-09-04 23:46:11
sherishengal ::: Favorites
aslinda uzun söze gerek yok marksin manifestosunu okuyun nasil insan disi bir ideoloji oldugunu herkes anlar.halkin özel mulkiyet hki olmadigi gibi cocuklarina bile sahip degildir her sey devletin ynai agada feodal yapida bujuvanin kendiside komunist liderlerdir:-)
07-09-03 17:32:06

Bridge jump

Duration: 04:58 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-06-08 05:20:03
User: benquincy
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bridge jumping


apeforjumpingbean ::: Favorites
2:52-3:08 = :)
07-10-09 21:53:16
mike185 ::: Favorites
would be cooler if the jump was higher than 5 ft
07-09-25 11:39:07
krazyBXgirl ::: Favorites
awesome! Realy good shooting. Great job done by all.
07-09-25 00:14:09
shamsyy ::: Favorites
07-09-16 06:56:40
BBobKracker ::: Favorites
thats not that high
07-09-10 17:49:22
northcave ::: Favorites
nice work
07-09-04 15:19:42
Mtr374 ::: Favorites
Wow that was stupid, and dangerous, but also very funny
07-08-29 23:31:16
goby514 ::: Favorites
Nice, must be lots of fun. Nice editng, i looove 2:52. Nice video !
07-08-29 00:20:36
phil0100 ::: Favorites
I loveddd ittt i loved 2.52 soo funny and good editing ..must of been fun...btw im phils sister on his account XD nice oneee
07-08-28 18:27:26
jofannnn ::: Favorites
I started cracking up at 2:52 with the reverse editing makin the guys look like theyre flying.
07-08-26 02:00:28

N E W B B Y 5th pking vid!

Duration: 07:09 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-05-12 11:46:45
User: Newbby1337
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My 20 def pure owning at green dragons.


guitarng ::: Favorites
lol wtf is with the noted dba
07-09-28 14:05:50
hippihater99 ::: Favorites
this video was pretty good ats ur range?
07-09-11 10:10:59
r0n4ld1hn0 ::: Favorites
what worlds do u drag pk at
07-08-18 22:05:27
Newbby1337 ::: Favorites
Got hacked.. :p anyway ty for comments and gl all on rs..
07-08-18 14:35:55
s4nta1991 ::: Favorites
nice vid man i enjoy keep going on like that =] greets : s4nta ko
07-08-18 05:56:44
lilAznfighta ::: Favorites
lol.. gf, wood man tim
07-08-17 21:19:20
wurzil1 ::: Favorites
Good attempt at a vid, but WHAT THE FUCK was up with your choice of music... the fact that the fag cradle of filth band would EVEN FUCKING ATTEMPT a maiden classic is terrible FOR FUCK SAKE. ~ Anerkist ~
07-08-15 11:42:19
bbbbbaby1 ::: Favorites
im giving free stuff away on runescape! includes sets of rune! dark bows! for more imformation check out my blog, runescapesmithingparty(dot)blogspot(dot)com/
07-08-15 08:47:06
dcchamp ::: Favorites
nice and noted baxe lmao
07-08-05 21:27:09
m4g1c4rr0w2 ::: Favorites
lmfao i love this...great idea =]!
07-07-26 10:51:26

Starin Through My Rear View

Duration: 07:30 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-12-06 11:03:50
User: ballesmc
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Starin Through My Rear View Una cancion de 2pac


trinimanuales ::: Favorites
07-10-02 10:28:41
weasel1717 ::: Favorites
This song reaches out out and touches u
07-09-11 17:21:34
musulmon ::: Favorites
07-09-07 16:49:21
janciii31 ::: Favorites
wow..2pac foreva
07-09-07 10:31:53
hjerneStimulanz ::: Favorites
one off tha few
07-09-02 09:43:21
theriggs89 ::: Favorites
realist nigga ever
07-08-28 03:56:14
Bobbythehammer ::: Favorites
eeeeeeeew we tupac the king
07-08-24 00:05:43
maikel641 ::: Favorites
Niice! makes me thinkig bout him ^^
07-08-05 07:37:33
ChargerReaver ::: Favorites
Nice video, like how you have alot of content with Pac.
07-07-21 18:44:14
armaggedonjustexpire ::: Favorites
props on the vid and combining the phil collins version with the kadafi version
07-07-18 20:45:00


Duration: 03:13 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-11-23 19:08:59
User: haykiris99
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masonlarin hep ayni oyunu


hasoli80 ::: Favorites
irtica yapan varsa oda müslümanlara kötü bakan şerefsizlerdir...
07-08-31 18:32:57
bismaillahi ::: Favorites
sarrik cuppe namaz ortu takke agsa mi irtica..osmanli devri gene gelecek tekbir allahu ekber
07-08-29 10:36:18
tevadd ::: Favorites
şimdide başak birini buldu yalnız bu kez farklı bir alanda...
07-07-01 08:02:22
tevadd ::: Favorites
Bu ülke'de atatürk olmasaydı ingilizler kime güvenipte işgali sona erdirecekti, başka birini bulurlardı tabi...
07-07-01 08:00:14
italianboy222 ::: Favorites
bu kez de terörü kullanarak hükümeti karalamaya çalışıyorlar akıllı olalım...
07-06-16 15:46:36
hilafet ::: Favorites
İSLAM ÜMMETİNE BİR HAYKIRIŞ adında yapmış olduğumuz bir BELGESELİ izlemek için kıymetli vaktinizden ayırmanızı rica ediyoruz.
07-06-15 05:27:40
Ugur2009 ::: Favorites
türkiyede irtica yok ama türkiyede ve tüm dünyada islama ve türklere hakaret ve saldiri var
07-06-11 11:53:49
sivasdertlifder ::: Favorites
evet bu ülkede irtica YOKTUR bazıları işte türbanı felan yasaklamak için irtica diye götünü yırtıyor
07-06-08 07:50:04
murat46rexx ::: Favorites
yav kardes artık bunlarla ugrasmıyalım ya tamam irticacıyız diyelim de susunlar lafatan anlamaz bunlar.
07-06-04 07:26:18
cazmaka ::: Favorites
bence irtica diye osmanlı devleti gibi güçlü bir ülke istemiyo
07-05-26 19:58:39

Salah VS J Smooth at Funkin Stylez

Duration: 01:29 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-03-15 08:43:30
User: Slance1
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omg i never even dreamed to upload videos with Salah!! :DD


alikweli ::: Favorites
slance ! you know shit about poppin ! so dont talk ....u wana battle me?
07-10-11 18:08:59
BingOwZn ::: Favorites
What's the name of the song guys?
07-09-07 10:40:20
Slance1 ::: Favorites
SpringSauce23 do YOU understand that? -_-
07-09-06 11:54:30
Kdynamix ::: Favorites
Being in commercials means hes in it for the money. Salah does it for the sake of poppin hes street, also he knows breakin and lockin but hes too tight at poppin
07-09-05 22:54:26
SpringSauce23 ::: Favorites
theres no such thing as a best popper, true dancers should understand that... so rephrase saying "so and so is my FAVORITE popper"...
07-09-05 07:42:19
Slance1 ::: Favorites
Being in commercials and festivals doesn't mean that he's best-_-... Salah is the best... At least he was 2004-2005 :P
07-09-03 11:23:58
SoldadoDanieLJackson ::: Favorites
yes man nam hyun joon is the best popper because he´s on comercials and festival, and is a singer too, the best the best and he´s from korea.. country and capital of poppin no dude
07-09-02 15:44:20
Slance1 ::: Favorites
Of course he is... NOT!!
07-08-31 05:58:28
crackbaby260126 ::: Favorites
nam hyun joon is better man!
07-08-27 19:17:53
alisub ::: Favorites
good song whats name?
07-08-19 14:45:12

The Beach Boys - You Need A Mess Of Help To Stand Alone

Duration: 03:13 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-10-29 15:31:50
User: SmilingDutchman
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The Beach Boys - You Need A Mess Of Help To Stand Alone.


sorethumb44 ::: Favorites
my favorite Beach Boys song! Australian musician Michael Carpenter once did a cover of this song.
07-05-07 22:12:08
13smurf13 ::: Favorites
Dennis is too cool!
07-05-05 20:12:15
justinplank ::: Favorites
i think blondie was their best bassist, besides brian of course
07-05-03 10:37:54
tpesky ::: Favorites
Carl, Al, and Dennis look like they are having a blast doing this!!
07-04-15 21:21:33
SmilingDutchman ::: Favorites
Ricky Fataar - the drummer - was 1 of the Rutles.
07-03-31 04:56:47
muziktrkr ::: Favorites
Wasn't one of them a Rutle?
07-03-29 01:19:49
derbesy ::: Favorites
me too.
07-01-30 23:01:58
likeawarlord ::: Favorites
oh, totally. in the snow, too.
07-01-21 14:33:29
ascrodin ::: Favorites
I'm glad the video doesn't show much of Mike.
06-12-09 19:48:31
gubble34 ::: Favorites
Notwithstanding Carls hat, this is the coolest the Beach Boys ever looked. Particularly Dennis on the keyboard.
06-12-02 18:06:06

Polish Idol Chomik Verry Funny

Duration: 01:03 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-07-12 07:33:55
User: boysdisco
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rippx ::: Favorites
Damnnnnnnnnnnnnn he's sexy, if I was a woman I would make sex with him.
07-10-12 00:56:34
Ortense3000 ::: Favorites
very attractive person
07-10-11 21:02:30
holtec333 ::: Favorites
07-10-10 22:14:49
Srutube84 ::: Favorites
Skad on sie wział??!! xD
07-10-10 13:25:39
OkaPokaLoka ::: Favorites
OMG! Virgil3 is a fag!
07-10-09 11:01:01
TheSwedishViking ::: Favorites
Polish Idol!? LMAO!
07-10-08 20:44:50
kacperb15 ::: Favorites
zajebiste..skad on sie wziol???
07-10-08 09:29:44
lazydayzzz ::: Favorites
jezeli on chce sprawiac komus przyjemnosc swoim"spiewaniem" to tylko skrajnym masochistom bo normalne ucho ludzkie nie zniesie natezenia beznadziei tego "dziela"
07-10-08 07:33:45
drschizo ::: Favorites
someone should produce him xD
07-10-05 17:14:08
zabulla1 ::: Favorites
łahahahahaha OMG niezły z niego tancerz xD
07-10-03 13:23:16

The Fort

Duration: 04:16 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-10-27 17:31:25
User: johnnysmooth
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A couple weeks ago I made a fort for my cats. It was small, but they liked it. I was planning on making a video with it, but didn't get around to it. So, today I wanted to make a humungous fort. The greatest fort ever made. I used 3 blankets, 2 bed sheets, 2 comforters. It was pretty big. I realized I really need to clean my apartment. The music is by Death Cab for Cutie off their 'Plans' album. The song is called 'Soul Meets Body.' They're a good band, it's a good song, a good album and that's my review.


cedry123 ::: Favorites
Yaeaaahhh forts!
07-10-07 23:40:07
ilrin ::: Favorites
oooooh fort! ♥
07-09-17 19:04:24
wearealltogetha ::: Favorites
haha, i love how you move the cat tree with the cat still on it. my cousin and i (he wanted to be an architect and he figured it was the best place to start) used to build epic forts that covered entire rooms and had secret passageways. i think when you stop making forts, you should rethink your life. (by the way, nice fort.)
07-04-10 05:31:28
chicagotaz64 ::: Favorites
My kids make forts *rolls eyes* OMG they make a huge mess in the living room and then nobody has any chairs to sit on at the dinner table lol
06-10-31 09:23:53
kauracakes ::: Favorites
You made a fort for you cats. That is probably the coolest thing I've seen/heard all year. I like your cats.
06-10-31 03:17:00
CannibalisticPeach ::: Favorites
ooooh video idea lol I don't think I have enough blankets though and my cat would tear it all up lol
06-10-30 23:01:10
samsarajade ::: Favorites
I havn't made a fort since I was a kid! I want to come play at your house too! You're such FUN! Lucky cats! :)
06-10-29 17:05:37
thisshitrules ::: Favorites
Is there enough room for 2 in there? lol, awsome! i've never made a fort but i know what im doing tonight... bah ha ha, another well done johnny, to one of the funniest youtubers... lol laters hun xoxoxox
06-10-29 17:00:21
tushygalore ::: Favorites
I wanna come play at your house!!!!
06-10-29 14:55:42
MangoandChips ::: Favorites
Kick ass I love the fort I want one!
06-10-29 08:50:12

Fat Girl Crashes On A Dirt Bike

Duration: 00:30 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-04-27 18:20:38
User: flickyfan
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This is a short film by me i was really bored when I made it!


transet82 ::: Favorites
omg thats gotta hurt! owch! lol
07-09-24 15:43:08
D1rtb1k3r42 ::: Favorites
LOL hit the jump and nose dived and frog hopped over the handle bars...thats halarious
07-09-13 21:24:18
avablava ::: Favorites
christ!lol who couldnt land that jump
07-08-29 10:19:01
pimper11 ::: Favorites
wtf fat people r cool just gross to look at
07-08-28 14:01:21
DirtMX57 ::: Favorites
ouch! I hope she's ok!!! That was not funny at all!! MisterWWE should lay off the dirty mouth! and i like heavy weight people! most my friends are hefty and they are the sweetest people you'll ever meet! she had guts to get out there and jump that little ramp! but she should have worn a helmet.
07-08-26 02:16:47
Nesquik2432 ::: Favorites
ok, im sorry, the truth is, im fat too
07-08-13 21:18:13
MarcellaScandinavia ::: Favorites
Hey! Fat people are cute! You should see my favourites
07-08-12 19:12:33
MisterWWE ::: Favorites
07-08-10 15:20:51
MisterWWE ::: Favorites
wut a futsin dumb ass. im surprised the bike could hold her
07-08-10 15:19:59
jackse7en ::: Favorites
now thats an awesome superman, or should say superfatchick. well done lady
07-08-07 02:17:40


Duration: 04:47 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-06-16 04:30:13
User: funknroll
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The Muse and the Maestro! Italian composer Ennio Morricone flipped the script on 1960's film soundtracks. Out went the syrupy strings, in came radical arrangements, instruments, and textures. The otherworldly voice heralding many of these avant arias belonged to Edda Dell'Orso. Ennio worked in many styles to reflect the 400 hundred movies he scored, and his own restless resolve to try new things. Edda could roll with anything he threw her way. His 'spaghetti westerns' ricocheted with rough chants, surf clang, jews harps, and whistling: Edda soared into eternity on the magnificently operatic "The Ecstasy of Gold" (THE GOOD, THE BAD, & THE UGLY). For thrillers, he blendered abrasive and feverish avant-garde soundscapes; Edda hyperventilated gasps somewhere between orgasm and strangulation, at once alluring and disturbing (SHORT NIGHT OF THE GLASS DOLLS). For romantic romps, he served a breezy lounge cocktail of pop and jazz sensuality; Edda's seductive and upbeat scatting and tonal scales set the template for Stereolab, Hooverphonic, and Pizzicato 5 to follow. This song, for the 1971 film "THE BURGLERS", is in that realm. She worked with all the great Italian composers, like Nicolai, Umiliani, and Piccioni as well. Check out more of her steller work here: Rudi Gernreich was the iconoclast of 1960's fashion. He tore out the binding constrictions that strangled womens' clothing, and made everything fluid and flowing with the form. He invented the topless bikini, portals in clothes, the use of vinyl and plastic, the concept of unisex, the first designer jean, and the thong. But his best gambit was the unclassifiable Peggy Moffitt. Models before had been fembots parading armor dresses with classic femininity. Peggy upended all of that. She was a performance artist, turning each vogue into an individual character. She evolved into a persona that made her seem from the far future; this was true, because Rudi and she were inventing it as they went. Her kabuki eye makeup, helmut bowlcut, mime shapes, gender-ending manner, mischievous pluck, and intense presence tore up the rulebook on female appearance, behaviour, and attitude. Her bold style had immediate effect on the times from Cher to Spock. Her alien androgeny set the stage for Bowie's Ziggy Stardust several years later. Her mercurial nature and fierce eyemakeup opened the way for Siousiee Sioux and many a New Wave novitiate in the 80's. And her boundless physicality and hairstyle anticipated Karen O (Yeah Yeah Yeahs) today. Between them Rudi and Peggy wrote much of the future we live in. (In fact, Peggy designed the typefont that's used in the video for names; it's a tribute to Rudi's red/black motifs.) Learn more about these brilliant pioneers at: Check out my Herstory Of Rock at: (All rights reserved. Fan-made video to promote awareness of the artists.) Tym Stevens


cinesable ::: Favorites
Love it!!!
07-10-07 15:05:02
mansfield67 ::: Favorites
Incredible ! Way ahead of the time, and Peggy still looks the same today. Thanks for this !
07-10-06 03:39:37
LilithFilth ::: Favorites
I love that far out eye makeup of the late 60's :)
07-09-27 07:12:45
28764 ::: Favorites
This is Ennio! Incredible! 35 years ago. Futuristic!!
07-09-16 15:36:28
doggiesarus ::: Favorites
Cool. I'm doing some research on Rudi and Peggi. Great to see this.
07-09-06 04:59:20
raffaelepolli ::: Favorites
un po troppo mascoline
07-08-31 05:37:52
auranoctis ::: Favorites
25 years before the Portidhead!! Ennio Morricone invented Trip Hop!!!
07-08-12 16:13:36
IoneMahina ::: Favorites
very likey
07-07-24 00:23:15
boweryboy07 ::: Favorites
VERY NICE! There's even a few images I have never seen before.
07-07-19 22:13:19
dopegraffhead ::: Favorites
07-07-06 18:19:11